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Beitrag von merehan » 28.05.2022, 16:46

the design
Design is a process of formation and innovation in which some elements and components of the environment are collected and processed to be placed in a specific configuration in order to give it a function or a meaning and to come up with a new and well-made product , with distinctive aesthetic or functional advantages.

To perform its function effectively and meet the purpose of its design. Design is divided into several branches, such as: technical design, architectural design, engineering design, decoration design, and site coordination design, in addition to designing programs and information systems, and designing web pages.


the point
The point is the simplest and most important design element, and it is the beginning of drawing any shape or line. The point has several sizes and dimensions that vary according to the purpose of its use. The point can be divided into two parts.

They are: Geometric point: This point is formed as a result of the lines intersecting with each other. Decorative point: It is the unit smaller in size and area than the units of nature or geometric shapes.

It is the line connecting two points, or defined as the continuity of contiguous points in different directions and the resulting lines of different types, most notably: Horizontal lines: The horizontal line is used as a ground or base for what is above it.

Where the vertical lines are based, and the horizontal line expresses stability, stability and a sense of horizontal breadth, and it brings some objects closer to the viewer and shows them in a clear way. Vertical or vertical lines: are the dominant lines in the design, and indicate greatness and height

They also feel balanced when they meet the horizontal lines. Oblique lines: they give a sense of upward or downward movement, as the diagonal line goes in two directions, vertical or horizontal. Curves: Curves are used to connect scattered design elements and create an integrated design such as for use in merchandise advertisements

Curved lines suggest agility, tenderness and dynamism of movement, and have the ability to attract the attention of the viewer or beholder. Spiral lines: Spiral lines are derived from curves and circles and express marine swirls, sea snails, or sand whirlwinds.

The space is the building unit in the design, and the designer must take into account the method of distributing spaces in the design to obtain a successful and distinctive design.

the color
Color is an essential element of design, as the design needs color to appear more clear and beautiful, and color has the ability to distinguish between good design and bad design, and between beautiful design and ugly design.

Observance of objectivity is one of the most important design features, as there must be consistency between all design elements, for example, the background of roses and hearts does not fit with the word computer.

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