How to get rid of moisture in the walls

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How to get rid of moisture in the walls

Beitrag von merehan » 20.03.2022, 02:28

wall moisture
The problem of humidity is one of the problems that every home can suffer from, and it occurs as a result of several reasons, including: the presence of leaking pipes, high humidity in the upper floors or ground floors, or the presence of rain water leakage due to roof damage, and moisture is one of the annoying problems that They have to be disposed of, and there are many ways to get rid of them.

How to get rid of moisture
Determining the cause of the problem Locating and repairing water leaks in the house is one of the ways in which moisture in the walls can be treated. A broken pipe or faucet may lead to moisture in the walls

so the malfunction must be repaired before starting to treat moisture, and to repair the broken pipe, it must Seal it with epoxy adhesive putty, but if the fracture is large, the broken parts must be completely replaced, and new equipment installed, and it is recommended to use professionals specialized in this field to solve the problem safely.

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Properly ventilate the house
Good ventilation of the place where wall moisture appears is one of the main steps to solve this problem, as this moisture is usually caused by the accumulation and condensation of water vapor on these walls and around windows, especially in winter times when the windows are kept closed.

Making some modifications that may include installing double windows that improve the insulation process, so that when they are opened, they provide ventilation for the place in addition to preserving heat from loss. It is also possible to install ventilation holes above the windows; It allows water vapor to escape with the possibility of closing it when needed.

Drying the walls
The problem of wall moisture, which damages the structural integrity of the building, and leads to the formation of fungi dangerous to human health, can be eliminated by following several drying methods, which are as follows.

The use of ordinary room fans that help get rid of humid air in addition to drying wet spots effectively, and can be used if the humidity affects only a small area of ​​the wall, so that the fan is directed in front of each spot with its settings set to the highest speed.

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Purchasing a special device that dries the walls, in order to help get rid of large moisture spots, and operate it in the room with damp walls after making sure that the room doors and windows are closed.

Putting special dryers to absorb moisture in closed areas that are difficult to reach using normal drying techniques, which are materials that absorb moisture or excess water vapor. Call in a specialized contractor to deal with basic water damage and remove moisture in the event that the person is unable to dry the wall by himself.


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