Einstufen / Again / Guess Who? /

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Einstufen / Again / Guess Who? /

Beitrag von PmI » 05.12.2019, 06:34


so erstmaln fürs kippchen , Feuer / Alter Nick ist wie der Stecher von Middleton ..der Prinzenzeuger

Daher ein paar Lines fürs erste..lang ist her...

1te Einstufung: viewtopic.php?f=136&t=9064&p=81343#top

2te bring ich jetzt paar lines dazu zur frühen Morgenstund.. :D

Leistungstest,Einstuftext.. nice und fresh ?
Meinungscheck?..komm ..schreib zu recht, ich zerreiß und fetz
selbst mit stumpfen Lines, schlacht ich die battleszene ab
also stuf mich ein, fast wie deine hoe, die mir ohne lyrics schon heads gegeben hat
entspannt kick ich solch Runde Dinger.. Fußball Trainingsspiel
willst bei den "obersten" mit austeilen?..dann setz dir kellner als lebensziel

oder tus dein lyrcis gleich, Bahnhofssuizidstlye und ende bei den Trainz.

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tom sawyer
Battle Lover
Battle Lover
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Re: Einstufen / Again / Guess Who? /

Beitrag von tom sawyer » 05.12.2019, 12:45

PmI hat geschrieben::yoyo:

so erstmaln fürs kippchen , Feuer / Alter Nick ist wie der Stecher von Middleton ..der Prinzenzeuger

Daher ein paar Lines fürs erste..lang ist her...

1te Einstufung: viewtopic.php?f=136&t=9064&p=81343#top

2te bring ich jetzt paar lines dazu zur frühen Morgenstund.. :D

Leistungstest,Einstuftext.. nice und fresh ?
Meinungscheck?..komm ..schreib zu recht, ich zerreiß und fetz
selbst mit stumpfen Lines, schlacht ich die battleszene ab
also stuf mich ein, fast wie deine hoe, die mir ohne lyrics schon heads gegeben hat
entspannt kick ich solch Runde Dinger.. Fußball Trainingsspiel
willst bei den "obersten" mit austeilen?..dann setz dir kellner als lebensziel

oder tus dein lyrcis gleich, Bahnhofssuizidstlye und ende bei den Trainz.
schön, dass du wieder den weg hierher gefunden hast und auch nochmal 'ne einstufung kickst.
hab' mir auch gerade mal deinen alten einstufungs-thread durchgelesen... heieiei, was die leute damals als headz verbucht haben :shock:

1-2: naja, was soll man dazu sagen? zweckgereimt ohne inhalt. auch für 'ne einleitung zur nächsten line ist das nichts. was soll dieses "meinungscheck" da? "Einstuftext" is nichma 'n wort, homes.
3-4: aua, das tut weh.. erstens muss es "head gegeben hat" heißen. zweitens ist der vergleich used as fuck. konnte man sowas 2008 noch bringen?
5-6: vergleich im vorbereiter schmerzt beim lesen sehr. "obersten" kellner schon klar, aber mal ehrlich.. findest du das gut? bzw. denkst du, dass das irgendwie neu ist?
7-8: alter

ja ist trainz. du weißt immer hin wie man reimt. der rest ist wirklich komplett öde
koka olaf

Battle King
Battle King
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Re: Einstufen / Again / Guess Who? /

Beitrag von Mahi01 » 03.03.2021, 10:34

CCleaner Piriform is a Windows application that is useful for system optimization and maintenance and for removing unused / temporary files, but malware hideen by hackers. So we suggest that you download the CCleaner Piriform application.You can download CCleaner Browser at Comptuner.com CCleaner Browser is also available to some users when they install Cleaner on their PC. On the other hand, a PC cleaner scans your PC to search and eliminate Junk files and to optimize your system.

Battle King
Battle King
Beiträge: 4208
Registriert: 13.08.2020, 09:30

Re: Einstufen / Again / Guess Who? /

Beitrag von Mahi01 » 03.03.2021, 10:36

Visit amazon.co.uk/mytv and create prime account after that enter activation code to start streaming with it. Visit amazon.co.uk/mytv and enter amazon activation code on your smartphone or laptop.Download and install Amazon Prime on your android and enter 6-digit activation code for streaming thousands of movies, tv shows and much more with amazon.co.uk/mytv. Follow the activation steps and get started with it.

Battle King
Battle King
Beiträge: 4208
Registriert: 13.08.2020, 09:30

Re: Einstufen / Again / Guess Who? /

Beitrag von Mahi01 » 03.03.2021, 10:39

A PC Cleaner is a tool which removes the unnecessary and temporary files and programs from the system.
Norton Utilities Premium is undoubtedly one of the best pc cleaner utilities available for Windows.
When you want to run your PC like a new one, you must use Internet security products and PC cleaner software. wise disc leaner can be configured to add a list of folders to be included in the cleanup.

Battle King
Battle King
Beiträge: 4208
Registriert: 13.08.2020, 09:30

Re: Einstufen / Again / Guess Who? /

Beitrag von Mahi01 » 03.03.2021, 10:41

Following is a handpicked list of pc cleaner free with popular features and website links.
lets discuss How to clean pc - If you haven't been organizing and discarding files as you go, it's likely your hard drive is stuffed with downloads, unwanted photos, file copies and other digital dust bunnies. This can reveal itself in slower performance, that unsettling humming noise, and the Mac's dreaded spinning wheel or Windows' spinning circle.
Piriform’s CCleaner Professional Plus Download Free Full Version is a quick and easy to use program which makes computer faster, secure and more reliable. CCleaner Filehippo removes cookies, temporary files and various other unused data that clogs up your operating system.Cleaning a computer can be done with a help from a specific tool, which is CCleaner Filehippo Free.

Battle King
Battle King
Beiträge: 4208
Registriert: 13.08.2020, 09:30

Re: Einstufen / Again / Guess Who? /

Beitrag von Mahi01 » 03.03.2021, 10:44

This Ccleaner Filehippo 32/64 Bit takes less than 30 minutes to scan all files and fixing them.
A CCleaner Master software also helps you identify and remove unused programs running in the background when you start your computer. This is what happens when you run most programs on your computer - many temporary files and settings are saved. CCleaner Master frees up valuable hard drive space to remove these unused files and settings, which can make your system run faster.

Battle King
Battle King
Beiträge: 4208
Registriert: 13.08.2020, 09:30

Re: Einstufen / Again / Guess Who? /

Beitrag von Mahi01 » 03.03.2021, 10:46

Amazon prime offers thousands of movies, tv shows and other prime original series at very affordable prices. Visit amazon.co.uk/mytv and sign up for amazon to get started with it. Activate prime with unique code.Download and install Amazon Prime on your smart tv and enter 6-digit amazon.co.uk/mytv activation code to start streaming thousands of movies.Before starting the activation procedure, you need to first redeem amazon.co.uk/mytv activation code. Amazon Prime Activation code is utilized at amazon.co.uk/mytv for setting up prime videos with yoru smart tv.

Battle King
Battle King
Beiträge: 4208
Registriert: 13.08.2020, 09:30

Re: Einstufen / Again / Guess Who? /

Beitrag von Mahi01 » 03.03.2021, 10:47

Sign up with amazon prime at amazon.co.uk/mytv and start streaming thousands of movies, tv shows and much more. Connect prime with your tv and start watching your favorite videos.Sign in for amazon prime at amazon.co.uk/mytv and enter activation code for getting started with it. Enjoy watching thousands of movies, tv shows and much more with amazon prime videos.

Visit youtube.com/activate and activate YouTube to get access to a selection of millions of videos.

Battle King
Battle King
Beiträge: 4208
Registriert: 13.08.2020, 09:30

Re: Einstufen / Again / Guess Who? /

Beitrag von Mahi01 » 03.03.2021, 10:49

The My TV program can also be accessed using a regular browser, as well as using some third party software applications such as the My TV Player. These third party programs allow users to watch various channels through the use of the internet instead of through the use of the My TV program's television channelsamazon.com/mytv Now open your browser and go to Primevideo.com/mytv after above the steps you have to enter 6 letter activation code in the field Registration Code. After all you will successfully registered and activate Amazon Prime.That is the means by which to effectively register and activate Primevideo.com/mytv on TVs.

You need to enter the 6 digit amazon activation code at Primevideo.com/mytv to watch the prime video for free.To watch amazon prime video on any device you always need to register the device on the Amazon Prime video using Amazon.com/mytv. Users can also rent movies or TV shows if they are not prime members.Amazon Prime is a subscription-based platform that gives access to the users of a large range of services such as unlimited video streaming, Fast deliveries, exclusive access to deals, and more  Amazon.com/mytv empowers its subscribers to stream unlimited Shows and Movies.


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