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characteristics of scientific research

Verfasst: 09.03.2022, 21:41
von merehan
What are the characteristics of scientific research?
Scientific research is defined as the method that scientists use to discover information, form research hypotheses and test them, with the aim of developing new theories that aim to confirm or negate the findings they have previously reached. Which distinguishes scientific research, namely: objectivity

Scientific research must be objective, and objectivity means looking at facts and accepting them as they are, not as a person would like to see them. presets

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Test results and stability
Scientific research must be testable, as science relies on sensory information collected through the senses; Such as the eye, the ear, the nose, the tongue, and the touch, meaning that the senses perceive, test and observe something, so that they can eventually reach tangible results that can be measured and verified as correct and accurate

Science is morally neutral, because its only goal is knowledge, and how this knowledge can be used is determined by society and its values, meaning that the use of knowledge can be on two completely opposite sides, atomic energy, for example, is knowledge that can be used either to treat diseases or to do with an atomic war.

Thus, science does not determine the aspect in which knowledge is used, because it is impartial. This does not mean that the scientist should not have values, but it only means that the scientist does not allow himself to interfere with his own values ​​to distort the image of the research during its conduct.

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Take a specific approach to scientific research
Scientific research requires the existence of a plan or an organized approach that can be followed, to conduct a process of research and analysis of data and information collected about the problem, in the sense of having a scientific approach that includes scientific steps that the scientist can follow, which begins with formulating hypotheses, then collecting data and facts, analyzing them and then circulating them.

Scientific knowledge must be accurate, clear and unambiguous, by describing things in precise words, for science differs from literature, in literature. We can say: a man dies every moment, and this is not a scientific fact, but rather the scientific truth must be as follows: In India On average, a man dies every 10 seconds, according to the 2001 census.

This means that science depends on clear facts and specific numbers. The doctor will not say, for example, that the patient suffers from a medium or high temperature, but will measure the temperature and say that it is 38 or 39 degrees Celsius and so on.